New Zealand scientists baffled as rare bird colony vanishes
The shore plover is the world’s rarest species with only 250 left in existence. A team that specialises in the recovery and searching of...
The first food waste to bioenergy plant is underway in New...
New Zealand is set to build their first large-scale plant that aims to convert food waste into bioenergy. With construction set to begin, the...
New Zealand researchers invent a new warning system for active volcanoes
Scientists from New Zealand claim they have invented a system that can warn people on potential volcanic eruptions. The system aims to prevent future...
$30m government announcement for new sports science facility in Upper Hutt
A new sports science facility has been given $30m in government funding to get it off the ground. Grant Robertson, the Minister of Finance,...
Scientists find genetic record of earthquakes in organism’s DNA
In a paper that was recently published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, scientists have stated that the DNA of bull...