Why work-life balance in NZ is effective

Why work-life balance in NZ is effective

Good work/life balance arrangements can great for both employees and businesses. Good work/life balances is about businesses and people effectively managing the balance between work activities and the things that are important to people such as time with their family and friends, time for hobbies or time to relax.

Maintaining a good work/life balance for some people could involve more flexible working arrangements, such as adjusted start or finish times or it could mean ensuring that work tasks don’t bleed into out-of-office hours or even just mean limits to overtime. When it comes to maintaining a good work/life balance, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

There are some good reasons for companies to prioritise creating a good work/life balance for their staff – it makes it simpler for companies to find and retain the best talent especially in New Zealand’s sometimes very tight job markets, it also improves work place culture and makes it easier for employers to get the best from their staff. A bad work/life balance can cause stress for staff which can lead to absenteeism and lower productivity. When work/life balance is improved the health, happiness and overall motivation of staff tends to improve. Happy staff will be more productive and more committed to doing good work.

Good work/life balance is also a great way for companies to improve their reputation and ensure that they are seen as an employer of choice which will help to widen their recruitment pools and help to attract better employees. Providing more flexible work opportunities and a better culture will help to improve employee satisfaction and shows staff that they are trusted and valued. Many New Zealand companies offer wonderful work environments and a fantastic work/life balance for their employees which is why it’s such a great place to live and work.